Feb 5, 2010

Module 5 Reflection

How this module help you to think about student-centered assessment?
Write about the different ways that consider when planning for assessing your students' performance? Write about any other insights, questions or concerns you want to address here.


ahmedtahaiat said...

It is so powerful to think about students self evaluation. This would greatly assist them to be more aware of their own development process. It also helps them to create their own criteria in the future and manage their own learning. I believe this is a step on the way for creating self developmental generation. I believe that checklists or clear and simple rubrics would greatly help my own students.

Nedhal.mohammed said...

One of the most critical differences between student-centered learning and teacher-centered learning is in assessment. In student-centered learning, students participate in the evaluation of their learning. This means that students are involved in deciding how to demonstrate their learning. Developing assessment that support learning and motivation is essential to the success of student-centered approaches. A successful student-centered learning environment will be open, dynamic, trusting, respectful, and promoting the natural desire and curiosity to learn. This experiential learning involves the whole person -- their feelings, thinking, goals, social skills, and intuition. The result is a person who is empowered to be a lifelong learner, a student who embraces their own abilities and is accepting of others.